Monday, June 30, 2008


Well, I have had a long time desire to become a published writer. After speaking with some of my "mentors" I was informed that a blog may bring some good ideas/ constructive feedback to my style, helping me to not only get some ideas out there but also receive some ideas. So I will begin with a current idea I have been bouncing around...part of it atleast as a lot of bouncing is occurring.

I want to write and describe life through the eyes of a rare youth, one who sees the apathy growing around him/her (okay maybe not so random, but one who will actually do something about it is random) and I also want it to be one who has not become corrupted by...things. This sounds rather simple, but it is not: try creating a crazy, fast-paced life with strong moral obligations.

I dunno, I am wondering what types of traits or hobbies one would imagine this type of character would have.
Obviously, this is a minor character who fades in and out of the story but still needs to have dignifying points.

Let me know what you think.

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